Economy of Enterprises

Raw materials largely determine the economic growth and development of Russia, which in its turn creates a demand for specialists who possess wide knowledge both in the sphere of economics and in the raw materials sector. The popularity of bachelor’s degree programs in business economics ensures a persisting interest in master’s degree programs in this field. A master’s degree course implies advanced training aimed at broadening the students’ outlook and forming a strategic vision. It is important to create new methods and techniques for the work on the economic tasks facing the enterprises of the industry on the level of top management. A Master of Economics understands the current economic situation and professionally analyzes, forecasts and identifies the problems of an enterprise and can find the most efficient way to solve them. 

In the course of their studies students receive in-depth knowledge in economic processes management and learn how to develop mining and processing enterprises with a special regard to the industry’s specific features. The students also acquire knowledge in economic planning, analysis and audit, mineral production and realization, optimizing production processes etc. The graduates are expected to be equally familiar with economics, knowledge-intensive technologies, strategic management and technical and economic planning. The course covers a wide range of topics from modern tendencies in the raw materials market, business assessment and enterprise cost management to marketing, classification, audit and economic assessment of mineral deposits, their strategic analysis and others.

The Master’s program in Business Economics is aimed at preparing the students to working in economic, financial, marketing, industrial and analytics services of mining and mineral processing enterprises, as well as in organizations belonging to other spheres like financial, banking and insurance companies. Masters of Business Economics are employed as economists and managers by economic analytics, diagnostics and planning companies, can as well work as analysts, experts and top-managers, occupy positions in state agencies, scientific research organizations, educational organizations specializing in training economists etc. In addition, the Master’s degree creates an opportunity to continue your education at a postgraduate program with a subsequent defense of a thesis.